Angelo A. Costas, MD, SC | Chicago, IL | Phone: (312) 427-3722
Personalized Healthcare...
Taking the Time to Care.
Quality care Starts with
having the time to listen
I have researched extensively and thoughtfully considered the options available in order to offer you the quality care you deserve and that I am passionately committed to providing. The result – I have decided to transition to a personalized/concierge care medical practice.
Learn more
- Timely office visits
- Direct access to me during office hours (and after!)
- Extended office hours
- Adult dependent children of members are welcome
- Care for visiting family and friends
- Collaborative Care
- Friendly Technology
- A strong focus on long term health and wellness
- Peace of mind
- Personal care and commitment
200 S. Michigan Ave. Suite 805 Chicago, IL 60604 | Phone: (312) 427-3722